Guided tours with schools
We host over a thousand students every year
With Bibanesi, the relationship between food and art is transformed, giving rise to a complicit and fun relationship between the uniqueness and variety of their forms and culture in its many facets. Students are shown the extensive illustrative material of the many cartoonists, authors and illustrators whose creativity has over time interpreted the personality of Bibanesi in a multifaceted world of signs and colours.
As part of the project ‘You can’t live on bread alone, art in the company’, we had the pleasure of hosting a variety of artists who offered students the opportunity to understand how craftsmanship is itself a true art form. From the hands, in fact, can be born both a Bibanese unique in its form, as well as a painting, an expression of the artist’s creativity.
The production site thus becomes a place to learn, to get to know a product, the history of a company, the passion of the people who work there.

Guided tours with schools
To visit our Company please contact:
Information office:
tel. 0438 782022 (Bibano di Godega di Sant’Urbano factory)
tel. 0438 777025 (Zoppè di San Vendemiano factory)